
What does travel insurance cover?

Temporary contract or annual contract? What’s the difference?

  1. Temporary contract

It will cover only one journey (of maximum 4 days or above) You’re covered for entire duration of your journey in the country that you’ll be asked to indicate when subscribing with us. You will also be covered in other locations, if you need travel through different countries on your way from there.

The beneficiaries of the insurance are solely those whose names appear on the contract.

  1. Annual contract

This contract is valid for a year and may be tacitly renewed. With this type of contract, you will be covered for all your trips through the year of subscription.

Be aware that there may be limitations that are related to duration of your trip, even within an annual policy. Remember to read the contract carefully.

Depending on what plan you’ve opted for, the beneficiaries may be yourself, a couple or a family living under the same roof.

What does travel insurance cover?

You’ll find above a general overview of what we cover. This is a non-exhaustive list. The scope of our services may vary from a contract to another. Always refer to the general conditions of your contract for more details about your insurance coverage.

-The sick or hospitalized person as well as any insured accompanying person. We may also cover a medical repatriation, if deemed necessary.

-Medical expenses up to the maximum amount set in the contract. Be careful, in certain countries (USA, for instance) the amount of your medical expenses might be relatively high and not covered by your health insurance. To limit your expenses, your assistance will see if a repatriation can be organized, depending on whether or not your medical state allows it.

The reimbursement of your medical expenses abroad will be made once your health insurance has reimbursed its share. Regarding the reimbursement of some possible emergency or research expenses (if you’re injured in the mountains…), there will be a set amount of coverage.

-Repatriation of a deceased beneficiary. A participation to funeral expenses (coffin, funereal treatment…)

-Repatriation of individuals travelling with a hospitalized or deceased beneficiary

-Early repatriation due to death or hospitalization of a relative or damage at the domicile of the beneficiary

  1. Assistance during your journey:
  • Repatriation of luggage and pets of the beneficiary
  • Luggage shipping and replacement
  • Legal assistance
  • Drugs or medical prosthesis shipping if those are not available where you are
  • Assistance in case of natural disaster

What are the main exclusions of a travel insurance?

You should always refer to your contract for full list.

What you should ask yourself when subscribing to travel insurance?

  • If you need a contract for one trip or one that covers your trips all over the year
  • For how long do you want to be covered without interruption
  • Up to what amount of money should be covered
  • For vehicles, if you want a rental car to be included in your contract, in case your vehicle needs stay in a garage for repair
  • Ask yourself if you want to subscribe for any addition options such as: cancellation insurance or luggage insurance
  • Do you already have an assistance (partial or not) through another channel (debit/credit card, health insurance, car insurance…)
  • To visit certain countries such as Russia or Cuba, you will be asked to provide a medical insurance certificate is mandatory.

This article was first published by Europ Assistance Belgium. Discover more insight here: http://blog.europ-assistance.be